My Rotary Speech to Kromboom: Wildlife of Florida
Me and Kromboom President Graham Parkhurst after my speech, handing him the banner of my sponsor club, The Sunrise Rotary of Marco Island. On Wednesday I gave my first 30 minute speech to my host Rotary Club of Kromboom. I decided to make my speech less about me and more about where I come from to spread an understanding of my side of the world. In my presentation I showed the club pictures that I have taken in Florida of birds and animals that make Florida and the southern United States unique from anywhere else in the world. When I gave the speech I opened the dialog so that I could learn a little from them too. Some things I found interesting: When I spoke about the Anhinga I learned that they have Cormorants here, which are very similar. When I shared a picture of our white Ibis next to their Hadeda Ibis I pointed out some similarities and differences and learned some as well. I was shocked when I showed a picture of the Roseate Spoonbill we have in Florida to find out...